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So, here it is, people. This is possibly the most important page you will THOROUGHLY and INTENSELY have to deal with on this site. And yes, you WILL read it all the way through! If you agree to these rules, then you are ready to hire "Rent-a-Gent" for your next little job.

As someone who has never really attended too many of those high level Management Courses that they offer at some of those high caliber schools around here, I will let you all in on a little secret. That secret is that it didn't take me too long to figure out most of this in terms of some very basic
"Rent-a-Gent" business guidelines.

These guidelines, which I have concocted and adapted, are imposed to "fit" this company and the way I want it to run and operate. Trust me when I tell you that all of these rules are in place for very specific reasons. Reasons that over many years of working "for the man", I have tweaked and massaged to my liking. In turn, they fit me, and most importantly, they fit the times and environment that is this Country today!



I shall not arrive until TEN O'Clock 


Ten O'Clock is perfect. Remember prior to Covid-19 when hubby and/or wifey had to be at the office by 8:00 am.? Ah, those were the days. So now the dogs have been placed in the backyard. The kids are off to school, AGAIN. The baby has been fed and diapered and YOU'VE had at least three cups of coffee. Now you're ready for my arrival! Greet me at the front door, and lead me to your kitchen table where we can sit and discuss the tasks at hand and any ideas and thoughts that you want me to know about. Also, you'll know it's me at the front door from my funky Hawaiian shirts and my old Military cap. (They're my trademarks, you know?)

I am paid with CASH, Personal & Company Checks made out to "Rent-a-Gent" Company, PAYPAL, CASHAPP, VENMO, and on occasion, bank transfers.

Sorry, I do not accept Credit Card Payments. I do my very best to save YOU money as much as possible. If I did offer it, I'd have to up-charge you for the 5% fee the bank wants to charge me, Do you really want that? The truth is that over all this time I've only lost ONE job offer because I couldn't take a credit card payment. I say "So What?"

I am paid every day that I work, for that day, at the end of THAT day.

Many jobs, regardless of the type of work, require that I return either the following day or even over a few days. About 95% of all my jobs are a ONE-DAY DEAL. One way or another, I collect my money at the end of EVERY DAY. Please be prepared to pay up - I may be cheap, but I'm not easy.... well, no, come to think of it, I AM easy - LOL!

I am paid by the person that contacted, scheduled, and hired me.

If you are living in an apartment or rental home and require my assistance with a job where your LANDLORD is supposed to be "the one who will make the payment", please make arrangements for that to happen. Also, understand the hourly labor rate for work at a commercial RENTAL PROPERTY is $55.00 Monday - Friday. Please don't contact and schedule me to come out, have me spend these ridiculous fuel costs, have me do the work, and THEN tell me to go collect my fee from someone else. That's just not right.


I will not take on an assignment that I know I am unqualified to complete properly and by myself.


I love it when a customer compliments my work. It really boosts my ego and gladly it happens at least once most weeks. That having been said, I would hate the feeling of not doing a job perfectly. The day that Dr. Marianne Beard referred to me as a 'Cathedral Worker' - THAT was the day I achieved the image I was looking for. They say that a Company can receive compliments all day long, but all those compliments won't add up to ONE bad review about your work. I just don't want nor need even one bad review. If you contact me to possibly do some work for you and I am not comfortable doing it, I will tell you upfront. I will also assist you in finding someone else who is even more qualified than myself at that particular task if you need me to. Trust me, this word-of-mouth thing really does work!


Allow the customer to go pick out the material to be used and installed.

Now I'm not saying that you've got to go out and get every little nut & bolt, nail, screw, shim, tape, and wall hook that I'll need for the job you've assigned me - that kind of stuff I carry with me. What I am referring to are things that require YOUR attention. Get together on Saturday morning with the spouse, head over to Lowe's, The Home Depot, or Ikea (I love that place! ), and jointly choose the new toilet. Pick the correct height; pick the correct color; pick out all the high-end extras that are needed to have it properly installed by me. Choose the correct ceiling fan. Consider the size of the room that it will be in! No need to put up a 52" fan in a 10x10 kid's bedroom, right? Select the correct paint and color. Choose the correct faucet and NEW water lines. Unless you want me to, PRE-measure that new Storm door you need me to install PRIOR to ordering it. GO TO THE INTERNET AND DO YOUR RESEARCH! I do! Pick out the new cabinets and have them delivered INTO your garage. It is there that I will assemble them.  In fact, the garage is where I prefer to assemble just about anything you hire me to put together for you. AND, if they can't deliver it for you, I will gladly do it. I do have the means. But, you MUST balance out the costs though. A lot of times it is way less expensive to let THEM deliver that IKEA bed rather than have me go get it for you. I'm just saying. Again, do your research.



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