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20180810_102558.jpg for the answer you are REALLY after...

$45.00 per hour

...yes! Believe it or not, that is all I charge for any residential (non-commercialized ) project you may have for me. Granted, that is my hourly price for jobs done Monday through Friday, but if you need me on a Saturday, I'll gladly come out at $50.00 per hour! And if Sunday is the only day you can "use me", then the hourly charge is a mere $55.00. Hey, I love to spend time with my family, but if you are willing to pay me $50.00 or $55.00 per hour to come out to your place on a Saturday or Sunday, well, then I'll love to be with YOU even more! My labor rate is rounded UP to the next 1/2 hour.

..."Rent-a-Gent" does not charge you what other service-oriented businesses call a 'service call' fee, that being the standard fee they charge any customer for merely coming out to talk about any potential job you may give them. These days, that fee can range from $39.95 to $275.00, depending on the company and type of work and product they offer. I, on the other hand, have what I like to refer to as
"Mr. Scooter's One Way Gasoline Fee". Hey, at the price of fuel these days, I can't afford to run all over DFW to meet with folks who are, in truth, "just shop'n around"! So, as of January 1st, 2004, "Rent-a-Gent" will tack on to your bill a 48¢ per mile one-way fuel charge, as well as any highway toll fees. Also, know that all fees are reflected on your bill/receipt at the end of my workday. Thank you for understanding these charges. Please know that I do NOT up-charge the prices of products/materials that you ask me to purchase on your behave. If I must leave your home or office to go buy materials for the job you asked me to do for you, I will. The price of that material(s) will be reflected on that day's invoice.


Note:  There may be some exceptions where the $45.00 labor per hour rate does NOT apply, but I have as of yet to run into too many of them. When I do, I will list them here. I have been known to collect more on the "fuel fee" and highway tolls than on the actual labor fee! And lastly, don't forget the 8.25% TAXES! I, too, pay taxes to the State Government every 90 days and I have to collect them from YOU. Sorry about that, folks! Just consider what they pay in other countries like France, Great Britain, South Africa & and Brazil. I've been there... I KNOW!



- Paint the entire outside of your house. I do not paint entire homes. Remember, I strictly work alone and would rather leave that much painting to the professionals. And besides, they will probably charge you a better price than I would since painting houses are what they do for a living!


- Run a 220v line from the Main Junction Box to that new Hot Tub you got for "free" on CraigsList. That requires a licensed Electrician, which I am not. If your house burns down because of faulty installation, your Home Owner's Policy will NOT pay off, people!


- Changing out a 220v receptacle for a dryer or oven (requires a licensed Electrician)

- Modeling in the nude. Yes, I know I said $45.00 per hour, but the going rate in the DFW area is $210 per hour! Research it yourself, Betty Thompson!! I get $190.00 per hour plus mileage. Got it?  Schedule early, Ladies!


- Any labor provided to a "commercial" property. Specifically, this is privately or corporately owned land or housing that is used for rental purposes. This "labor" rate starts at $55.00 per hour.


- Re-roof your home (an occasional tile here and there is OK). I do not re-roof homes. Remember, I strictly work alone and would rather leave that type of work to the professionals. And besides, they will probably charge you a better price than I would since re-roofing houses IS what they do for a living!


- I no longer install Christmas lights onto homes that are MORE than one story high. Sorry, but my insurance just does not cover that.


- Cleaning out the dwelling of a "HOARDER". This is $110.00 per hour and I supply one extra person to assist me. This service is provided Monday through Friday only, as the city dumps are not open on the weekends. The cost of a UHAUL trailer will be added to your bill as will trip(s) to the City dump. 

- Ceiling Fan installations on ceilings HIGHER than 12 feet WILL NOT be taken on by Mr. Scooter.


- Removal of "Popcorn" Texture from your ceilings.

- My BMW Motorcycle Mechanic, Jersy Mitmanski, has a sign over his area in the shop that reads:

HOURLY LABOR RATE IS $120.00.  *IF YOU WATCH ME: $150.00.  *IF YOU HELP ME: $200.00


...more to come, I'm sure



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