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                                     ...the infamous


      Mr. Scooter

                      ...more than just a HANDY GUY


* YES, I am the original "Rent-a-Gent" & YES, you are on the correct website if you are in search of the guy that provides MANY A SERVICES.


* I am NOT at all associated with that female attorney up there in New York City that a few years ago pirated my company name and is using it to sell her Gigolo services. I am NOT a Gigolo... I am a "GIG-OLO"!! That means I provide quality work and services on a variety of "GIGS" !! ... Get it?


And yes, I did coin the term "GIG-OLO", so don't be steal'n my terms, gurl!



Well, how should I put this?  Let's start off by saying that I am a rather educated, mature, responsible, tri-lingual, well-traveled, internet-savvy, articulate, white, resourceful, calculating, punctual, husband and father of twin daughters who has a mortgage and bills that I need to continue paying off! That's it, in a nutshell. While the bills just keep coming in, the funds just keep on dwindling. Economically speaking, times are tougher than ever, and rather than continue attempting to get RE-hired with the U.S.Department of Homeland Security, the government agency I was with for years, I decided to redirect my efforts and address the needs of those out there that could use a very good "handy-Guy" to help them around the house or office. After a half-century, I've managed to learn a thing or two about how to do things on my own and just plain get things done! I've always been pretty self-reliant and this business (RENT-a-GENT) just happens to continue that level of self-reliance that I've always seemed to possess. At least with THIS job I'm not required to 'Seek out and kill' anyone. That's a good thing!

My SUV is what I like to use to get me from job to job. I possess a large variety of quality tools for not only general all-around home/office repairs but also some automotive repairs as well. My aptitude for diagnosing and repairing "car problems" is pretty high, but I also know when I have reached my limitation. If I have reached that limit, I will be the first to tell you that. "I'm just too ol' and fat" to try and weasel my way through it anymore, and in fact, would probably lose an otherwise good customer if I did. I am not here to lose ANYONE, trust me; I can use all the friends and clients I can get! On the other hand, not too many people in the area have the sheer number of contacts that I have. So, if I can't do it, I've got people that will. And THOSE people will be more than willing to work with me and you on the service, as well as that ever-important price. If I can be the personal assistant to Jack Bauer, I can certainly be one to you, right?

Any position or offer for work that you may have for me can be small or large; either one, we can discuss at length. A "job" can be a one-time thing, temporary, or maybe even permanent (that is, if you REALLY need another Nuclear Physicist). I am an extremely diversified individual with a keen eye for flair and the completion of tasks. Let's say you've started a particular job around the house (or Shop), but for whatever reason, can not complete it. Just contact me! I'll be glad to "clean-up" what you've started! Either way, I know that together we can determine a safe, timely, and most importantly ECONOMICAL way of fixing anything you've got.

My services are not limited to "fix'n thangs". In fact, approximately half of what I do has nothing to do with repairs at all. They are the things that fall into the category of what I personally like to refer to as "Personal Assistance".  You know, those little things that at times we would rather not do alone, but would prefer to hire someone else to handle. In time, everyone falls into THAT category of need, right? Well, that's when you contact me: 
"Rent-a-Gent". Don't think about it, just call me. Again, if I can't (or won't) do it, I'll find you another (just as competent) person that will. The North Texas area, in fact, the whole world, is chock full of intelligent, bright, reliable people who are more than willing and able to assist, especially if the pay is right! I know a lot of these people; it's just a matter of getting two people together. One has a need or desire; the other has the ability to fulfill that need or desire. That's where I come in!  I'm  "Rent-a-Gent", the Solution Specialist.


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